Privacy Policy - FINCFIRST

Privacy Policy


Hi! You are very welcome to our Policy and Privacy page. It is with great pleasure that we will explain who we are and how we treat your information with great care, as well as the precautions we take to ensure the greatest possible security for our relationship.


Fincfirst is a news portal whose objective is simply to transmit clear and objective information to readers about the best opportunities in the financial market and how to acquire them.

All content and knowledge produced at Fincfirst has the mere purpose of helping Users with current information for better decision making, so that they can achieve their goals with greater assertiveness and security.


Fincfirst does not carry out any action related to the release and/or approval of credit cards and loans referring to the contents that we publish and/or transmit periodically to our Users registered in our exclusive list of news. of the companies/banks issuing the credit and loan cards we present.

The User can subscribe to our list of exclusive content through forms within our news portal or even in campaigns on social networks where we promote questionnaires (Quiz) that aim to assist them in the search for the best credit card. and/or loan, where suggestions are presented based on the User’s profile, which is defined through answered questions. The User may at any time request the cancellation of his subscription through the campaign emails that are sent periodically.

If the user does not agree, even in part, with all the conditions and terms related to this Privacy Policy, he/she should not access and/or enjoy the contents made available by Fincfirst. By using our news portal, the User declares that he is aware of and fully agrees with the management of his data, accepting all the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Fincfirst Terms of Use.


Fincfirst respects the privacy of its users and, in order to present how your data is treated, it presents the Privacy Policy that complies with international and Brazilian standards in relation to data protection.

The User, when using Fincfirst, agrees with the treatment of his data, agreeing that he is explicitly in agreement with the terms of this Privacy Policy and with the Terms of Use.

A presente Política de Privacidade deverá ser lida e interpretada conjuntamente com os Termos e Condições Gerais de Uso do Fincfirst.


Fincfirst aims to share financial and professional information with its Users so that everyone can use it and raise awareness about the products and services that best adapt to their reality based on their needs and preferences.

All the features of Fincfirst can be used without the User having to make a previous registration for its use.

Fincfirst follows the international norms and standards of security in the storage, protection, privacy and transmission of data, emphasizing that no method of storage, protection, privacy and transmission of data is 100% secure and inviolable.

We emphasize that Fincfirst does not send any type of E-mail to request confirmation of personal data, nor does it request any amount of money in exchange for any other undue benefit.

We ask our Users to report to us, via email [email protected] or our CONTACT page, any suspicious activity that may use the name of Fincfirst in order to obtain undue financial advantages.


Fincfirst manages the use of two types of collected data, “Personally Identifiable Data” and “Non-Personal Data”.


To have access to free content on Fincfirst, such as E-books and Quizzes and the like, the User must provide some personally identifiable data, namely: e-mail, full name, telephone number, address and date of birth.

Personally identifiable data managed by Fincfirst aims to:

  • The precise and correct identification of the User, thus ensuring greater security and protection for Fincfirst Users;
  • Access to products and services offered by Fincfirst;

The analysis of the Users’ profile in order to recommend the best information and products in accordance with their real needs and reality.

Aiming also to carry out a more accurate analysis of the User’s profile, Fincfirst will be able to carry out searches within its “feed” to capture more accurate information about its profile and, in this way, suggest personalized services and products in line with the needs and preferences of each User.

Fincfirst and partner companies may invite Users to participate in satisfaction surveys, where they will receive an E-mail with necessary guidelines and collected data will be used to manage the survey, in order to seek improvements in the system and in the products, contents and services offered by Fincfirst and also by partner companies.

In the event that the User contacts us to report a problem, a question or obtain support from us, we collect and store the User’s contact data, as well as the respective messages and other information necessary for the verification of the problem or question and this data will be used to solve eventual questions based on the information collected, clarify doubts, solve problems and improve the system, improving the Fincfirst User experience.


In case Users do not request the free content of Fincfirst, (Questions, Surveys, E-books, Quizzes and similar) the search and collection of non-personal information that indicate, among other details, which pages of the site were accessed, when they were visited, which hyperlinks were clicked, which contents or services were requested or indicated, among others.

Fincfirst uses cookies to facilitate the collection of data and IP (internet protocol) identification information; to assist the User’s navigation, helping to guarantee the security, protection and authenticity of the data.

At any time, the User may modify the acceptance or not of cookies in the configuration of his browser, knowing that some of the features of Fincfirst may be harmed by disabling browsing cookies.


Fincfirst does not sell information or personal data of its Users, however, it may share them with partner institutions and companies in order to be able to point out services and products that best fit the needs or to provide services and/or products. required by the User.

Fincfirst reserves the right to assist or cooperate with any judicial authority or governmental body and may provide Users’ personally identifiable data in order to establish or exercise their legal rights, or protect their property, or when it considers that its assistance , or cooperation are required. To protect its Users, collaborators, administrators or anyone harmed by the action or omission.


Fincfirst does not process personal data of children under 13 (Thirteen) years of age, without prior authorization from parents or legal guardians.

If there is the collection and processing of personal data from children under 13 (Thirteen) years of age, without the express authorization of parents or legal guardians, in an unintentional way, Fincfirst will delete all data collected, without any kind of notice prior.

If the User is aware that we may have mistakenly processed a child’s data, we ask that he/she immediately contact us so that we can take the necessary measures.


It is essential that the User who owns the data bears in mind that he has the right to obtain and control, at any time, upon request to Fincfirst:

  • the anonymity, blocking or removal of unnecessary, exaggerated or non-compliant data with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law);
  • the extinction of personal data processed with your consent, except in the cases provided for in the LGPD;
  • proof of the processing of your data;
  • the possibility of accessing the data;
  • the adjustment of inaccurate, outdated or incomplete data;
  • knowledge about the possibility of not providing your consent and about the consequences of this refusal, in addition to those already mentioned in this Policy;
  • the transition of your data to another product or service provider. For this, an express notification will be required, in accordance with the regulation of the national authority to be created, observing the commercial and industrial secrets of Fincfirst;
  • knowledge, if any, of which private and public entities Fincfirst may have shared data use with;

For more information, see: Law No. 13,709, art. 18.


Fincfirst uses services from other companies to display advertisements on the website. These advertisements may contain Cookies and/or Web Beacons to collect data in the process of displaying advertisements from these third-party companies. Fincfirst does not have access to this information and is not responsible for the data and information collected by third-party companies.


Fincfirst displays advertisements served by the GOOGLE ADSENSE Network. Google uses Cookies to display ads on the websites that serve their ads. The DART Cookie allows ads to be displayed based on the User’s preferences and browsing habits. Users can choose to disable the DART Cookie on the page that has the privacy policy of the Google ad and content network. If the User does not agree with Google Cookies and decides to disable them, he/she can simply access the official Google page to manage the way in which Google uses the Cookies collected in its ad network.



As social life, technology and laws are constantly evolving, we also reserve the right to revise and modify our Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason, at Fincfirst’s sole discretion, without the consent or notification of Users.

Therefore, it is essential that you (User) always visit this page periodically, so that you can ensure that you are familiar with the most recent and current version, as well as being aware and agreeing with all the information we collect and also with the way in which your data is processed.

If you do not return to this page, Fincfirst will understand that you are aware of and in full agreement with all of the foregoing of this Policy and its updates.

Last update date is: 02/25/2021.